The Friends of the Musser Public Library hosts events throughout the year. We look forward to continuing the tradition in the years to come.
'Book' time to play Mini Golf at the Library

The Friends of Musser Public Library are setting up for a "hole" lot of after-hours fun at the library on Saturday, Feb. 15.
"Book" time for a friendly round of Mini Golf at the Library that will take place between the collections! This family-friendly event will be from 3-5 pm at the Musser Public Library, 408 E. 2nd St. Come see how stacks of books and other random objects can be arranged into a nine-hole course! Test your hand-eye coordination, and watch for hole sponsorships and fun jokes and trivia along the way.
See the graphic at left for entry fees (which are discounted for Friends members - and you can sign up for membership at the event). While payment (cash or check) will be accepted at the event, you can pay for and reserve your time in advance by going to the library's service desk.
We are looking for businesses and organizations to help us with hole sponsorships and prizes. If interested, please contact Kathy Kuhl at (563) 263-3065 x114 or
There will be drawings for prizes.

2025 Friends calendars still available

Now that we are more than one month into 2025, the Friends of Musser Public Library are offering the remainder of our calendars at half price - $5! These calendars are chock full of historical information about Muscatine's downtown and adorned with Oscar Grossheim photos.
Did you know that the current site of the Muscatine Computer Store was once a restaurant called the George Washington Cafe? This site at 207 E. 2nd Street is the featured photo on the calendar's February page.
Calendar proceeds go to the Friends organization, which, in turn, helps our 123-year-old public library! Stop in at Musser Public Library’s first-floor Service Desk to purchase. We accept cash or checks.
At left: Note the homey feel of the George Washington Cafe iwth its sheer curtains, potted plants and tiny American flags.
Thank you for your support at book sale!
Many joined Friends, even more bought items to support the organization!

This may sound familiar and a little cheesy to those who were sitcom fans in the 1980s, but here goes anyway: Thank you for being a Friend!
Because of the interest and enthusiasm of those who marked their calendars for the October 18-20 event – or just happened to run across it on our first floor – The Friends of Musser Public Library had a successful Book Sale Event. In addition to raising funds for the Friends to support Musser Public Library, the organization also gained 18 new memberships because of the membership requirement to buy on the sale’s first day. (And maybe they wanted to join anyway, right?)
Thank you, buyers, for supporting the organization that supports the library, monetarily (summer reading program, Channel 5, sending staff members to library conferences) and with awareness-raising events (Local Author’s Event, Five Years at 408 Celebration). And thank you also to our library employees and young volunteers who helped set up Room 104 as an extension to the regular sale area in the first-floor lobby.
Friend-ly merch available
Celebrate and support the library and its Friends group with some fun logo merchandise that raises funds for FMPL and gets our name out there! Buy your conversation piece!
We have t-shirts and tote bags in every color of the rainbow. Prices are as follows:
T-shirts: $15 for sizes S-L, $18 for sizes XL and XXL
Tote bags: $5
All merchandise is tax-free. Preferred payment methods are cash or check.